Using tweak deb to patch app

Method 1: iPAPatcher by brandonplank

What is iPAPatcher?

iPAPatcher is a patching utility that lets you load dylibs into IPA application files to create tweaked apps. It is developed by developer and security researcher Brandon Plank. It is not a sideloading utility that signs and installs IPA files on your mobile device. iPAPatcher is a GUI for insert_dylib – a program that forces an app to load a tweak’s dylib file.

In layman’s terms, it is a “tweak injector” that loads tweaks in stock App Store applications.


  • Tweaks that hook into system services will not work on a non-jailbroken device.

  • Some tweaks require more than one dylib file or bundles to function properly.

    • Workaround: Insert bundle file inside Payload root file, zip and convert back to ipa then inject the dylib that comes with the bundle


  • Decrypted IPA file

  • iPAPatcher by brandonplank

    • macOS >= 10.10

    • Xcode Command Line Tools

    • zip

  • Tweak .deb file



Method 2: theos-jailed ?



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